Tech Talent
지원자격 (Express Entry or Non-express Entry)
현재 SK고용주 밑에서 6개월 경력 혹은 최근 5년간 1년 이상의 경력
Full time Job offer
Job Approval Letter
CLB 5 이상
잡 오퍼를 받은 직업과 연관있는 대학 졸업증 조지
필수 SK 라이선스 취득
NOC 21311 – Computer Engineers (except software engineers and designers)
NOC 21231 – Software Engineers and Designers
NOC 21211 – Data Scientists
NOC 21310 – Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Provide a letter from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) showing that an application for registration as an Engineer-in-Training has been approved; OR
Provide a letter from APEGS indicating that they have been assigned Confirmatory Exams.
다음은 지원 가능한 직업목록입니다.