Skilled Worker with WP
SK 주에서 워크퍼밋으로 최근 6개월간 근무 (780 Hours)
TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 혹은 Designated Trade의 직업으로 Job Offer를 받아야 합니다.
Job Approval Letter
현재 Open 혹은 고용주 지정 워크퍼밋 보유
Designated Trade 의 경우 TEER 4 혹은 5의 경우 CLB 4점 이상
(SK 기술직 목록은 다음과 같습니다.)
지원 불가능한 직군
Health professionals (you must apply to the SINP Health Professional sub-category).
Food and Beverage Servers/Persons (you must apply under the Hospitality Sector Project sub-category).
Graduates working on a Post-Graduate Work Permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) (you must apply to the Saskatchewan Experience - Student sub-category or the International Skilled Worker – Employment Offer sub-category).